Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hillary Go Please Go Away

Here are my top however 5 reasons why people should not vote for Hillary Clinton for president.

1. If she wins the White House that'll be approximately two decades of the same two families running our country. Can't we get somebody else in a nation of 300 million people?

2. The Clinton-haters will come out the woodwork and ensure 4 more years of partisan mutually-assured destruction.

3. It'll put Bill Clinton back in quasi-control of the White House in a near violation of the 22(?) ammendment.

4. She'll mobilize and embolden the right wing.

5. She grates


Ryan de Burque said...
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Ryan de Burque said...

Another reason: She doesn't stand a chance at winning. If she wins the democratic nomination, McCain's presidency is pretty much assured.

And, with the news that Diebold accidentally leaked the election results early, the whole thing has turned into a façade.

Anonymous said...

Exactly - a hillary victory = a McCain presidency.