Monday, April 14, 2008

My Letter to the Obama Campaign Re: "bittergate"

To Whom It May Concern:

I've given $125 to this campaign since the week before the Iowa caucuses, and that's $125 more than I've ever given any campaign. I have been and remain a committed Obama supporter, but I have to also express me deep frustration with the Senator's recently reported remarks, i.e. "Bittergate". Many people think those statements are condescending, as well as the Senator's [clumsy] defense of them.

Rather than try to walk them back, why not take the political high road and simply admit how incredibly stupid they were, and apologize. After a sincere apology, get back on message; back to a campaign about HOPE before the Clinton's began to suck the life out of it. The promise of HOPE is the greatest thing this campaign can give to rural Pennsylvanians or Americans in general. It's what inspires people who make less than 11,000 a year to donate $100+. The Democrats will never beat the "elitist" wrap once it sticks. Maybe Senator Obama should do something Bush has never done and apologize for a mistake, and re-adopt the HOPE narrative to carry us across the finish line.


Matt Euler